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Everyday Roots

Claire`s health journey started in 2009 when her medication stopped working. She was tired every day and gradually realized that the medications were not getting to the root cause of her ailment(s). Having lived in a world where taking medication while tolerating their many side effects and complications is the norm, it took some time for her to become aware that this method was only treating symptoms rather than fostering healing in the true sense of the word.

Claire became disgruntled as she read ingredient labels, wondering why so many additives and preservatives are included; natural foods are altered in unhealthy ways; and many household products are plain ‘ole unsafe!

In deciding to make a change, Claire wrote The Everyday Roots Book to help people who want to live a naturally healthy life–to show them there are better ways to truly heal and maintain a healthy lifestyle, than the methods handed to us on the average retail store’s shelves.

Of course, there are no guarantees but what if… what worked for someone else would work for you or someone you love?

This collection will facilitate your participation in your own journey to health, wellness and wholeness, with information opening possibilities, testimonies inspiring faith, and wisdom guiding your actions!

USD $37.00

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