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Nurturing Positivity & Appreciation

  As this year closes out, having exposed many of the physical, socio-economic, political and communal illnesses of our lands, I`m reminded to be that much more grateful for all of the things that did go right this year and that are well in my life. Along the...

Foods That Fight Colon Cancer

  In honour of American actor, Chadwick Boseman, who died last week of colon cancer, we encourage you to implement these helpful tips to fight and prevent this disease, if they are not already a part of your dietary regimen. Colon cancer is reported to be the 2nd...

A Time to Eat and a Time to Fast

  The doctor that cures you is inside your body and by intermittent fasting, you let this healing power do its work. ~Subah Jain In our modern world, health is heavily associated with food and nutrition, and rightfully so.  Many avid health seekers spend hours...

Naked Reflections: Weight Loss Strategies

  Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision and change. ~Richard Branson Sooo…this past Sunday, I did what I do at the start of every week: I considered what I can do in the upcoming week towards achieving my health goals. As is so often the...

Mentally Accept Your Good Health Today!

  A recent Global News article reported about the immense threat that the current coronavirus pandemic presents to Canadians’ mental health. The stated potential risks could arguably be relevant to the world’s populations given the global reach of this health...

The Body Is Designed To Heal Itself!

  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. [Psalm 139:13-14 ESV] Your body has remarkable capability to heal...